Brand Management

Strategic Planning
We at C&C understand the DNA of a brand which is nothing but a sum total of relationship and interactions between a product and service or rather an experience and end user/consumer. Despite all tec
We at C&C understand the DNA of a brand which is nothing but a sum total of relationship and interactions between a product and service or rather an experience and end user/consumer. Despite all technological advancements in digital and data science We don't forget that people still remain people and their decisions are driven by emotions in this rather complicated world where there has quite been a fragmentation, availability of more choices, products and services of late and if your emotional quotient is not strong enough for a brand to help people think what their lifestyle should be it will put companies in a dilemma of differentiated situation.
In the process of working on modern marketing brand we know how to take this complex world where long-term goals set up for a brand keeping in mind medium-term and quarterly sales result. We create an aura around the brand which is maintained on day to day basis for brand protection.

Market Research (Online/Offline)
Our objectives: We analyze the consumer behavior, study external influences on behavior, understand various theories of consumer behavior and apply the most appropriate one after discussing various Our objectives: We analyze the consumer behavior, study external influences on behavior, understand various theories of consumer behavior and apply the most appropriate one after discussing various models of consumer behavior, do relevant motivational research, analyze advertising research and its relevance. We excel in all types of research- positioning research, segmentation, pre-test, impact studies, audience research and single source promotional research.

ATL/BTL/TTL Advertising
Impact of ATL (Above the Line) marketing is not measurable, its objective is to generate brand awareness and brand identity. TVCs, hoardings, bill boards etc., fall under this category. Whereas in B Impact of ATL (Above the Line) marketing is not measurable, its objective is to generate brand awareness and brand identity. TVCs, hoardings, bill boards etc., fall under this category. Whereas in BTL (Below the Line) marketing we target a specific demography, audience to generate sale. Email marketing, Google Ad-word campaign, leaflet drop in some specific area, Facebook ad campaign, mall activation by putting canopies, event marketing etc. are some examples of BTL marketing. The impact of this type of advertising is measurable. BTL & ATL sometime overlap each other. An integrated approach is followed in TTL (Through the Line) marketing where a company use both ATL & BTL to reach their target audience.

Ad Designing
While conceptualizing an advertisement for print media clarity in message is of utmost concern to us which will brainstorm the sole message to make customers take away what we want them to. An updat
While conceptualizing an advertisement for print media clarity in message is of utmost concern to us which will brainstorm the sole message to make customers take away what we want them to. An updated visually appealing logo for modern, relevant and suitable for any audience in focus.
Choosing a color scheme streamlined with logo colors based on color psychology is imperative. We create ads in print media with 300 DPI or dots per inch. And use high- quality graphics, photos & vectors. Font selection is done after due diligence for good legibility. We prefer graphics in vector format for modern, fun and entertaining advertisements.
We fancy the idea of giving bar code for smartphones or URL and also prefer to provide something in return like contest, giveaway or bar code scan for readers for brand awareness.

Logo/Mascot Designing
We know how to make a brand lost in digital mesh stand out and connect with its target audience when there is an overflow of clicks and swipes in this mad digital world. Choreographed graphics and m We know how to make a brand lost in digital mesh stand out and connect with its target audience when there is an overflow of clicks and swipes in this mad digital world. Choreographed graphics and monotonous colors make a brand stuck stopping consumers from having a right impact. In this scenario brand needs some unique recognizable character in the form of a mascot and a unique logo. Zoo Zoos characters used by Vodafone in its campaign as advertising characters is one good example in his regard. We can create special characters for brands to reach out to its TG.

We create impeccable illustrations and artwork across a spectrum of styles and genres to create awareness to brand's target audience giving clarity about the product. There is a synergy between copy We create impeccable illustrations and artwork across a spectrum of styles and genres to create awareness to brand's target audience giving clarity about the product. There is a synergy between copy and art and our copy writer and art director work on the same brief so that they are on the same wavelength. In the process of creating an out-of-the-box stuff our team work on more than one approach and sometime rejects all approaches and zero in on one campaign or finalize couple of alternatives and revisit the points of disagreement before finalizing one.
Other Services
Our recent projects

Aadi Ananth Shiv
Govt of Uttarakhand

Publicity using Drone disinfectants
Municipal Corporation of Delhi

Waste to wonder sound and light show
Govt of Delhi

OP Pan Masala
Branding, Digital Promotion, CRM

Building Cultures of Excellence and Constructive Leadership
The Pacific Institute & CGN IT Services

Ramayana Reconsidered
RUPA Publications

Easy advocacy
Platform Design & Development, CRM, Analytics

Press Conference/Rent Control Act
New Delhi Traders Association
Our happy clients
Our Technology Partners