Mobile Marketing

We use Text Ads, Banner Ads, Audio Ads, Rich Media Ads which can appear at places like Pre or post-appended to a text message, MMS Message or Mobile Internet Sit, in-line within a message, a page or application, pre-post-roll placed at the start or at the end of a video or audio clip. Following goals can be achieved by mobile marketing:

Brand Recall

Increase in the number of prospects (new or old), more case studies and better click-through rates on a mobile website and by advertising programs and brand

Lead Generation

Fill up the opt-in database so that you can have razor sharp audience to cater to in the future.

Acquisition of New Customers

Generation of initial transactions from first-time customers and redirect them to events or traffic to retail store.

Increase in Revenues and Profits from old customers

Motivate old customers to buy more old or new products through retention and better relationship management at a sustaining profit level

Optimizing customers loyalty

By increasing loyalty point redemption and emphasizing more on word-of-mouth activities and making customers more proactive and inclusive in events, programs for better attendance to in-store event.

Better Customer Service

Reduction in resolution time by addressing customers enquiries, complaints, issues in cost-effective, low stress, timely response.

Social Media Stimulation

Word-of-mouth and viral marketing activities can help better customer engagement who in-turn will talk positive and gather good impression about your brand

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